
Our vision is to be a leading and distinctive model in academic learning and scientific research at the local and regional level.

Our mission is to provide graduates with the knowledge, skills and values that qualify them to practice their job professionally and effectively. Achieving social responsibility goals and developing home companies in their attempts to take part in global competition.

Aims of the Program

The department seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1- Providing students with the necessary scientific and practical knowledge to practice administrative and leadership work within the context of local and a multi-national business environment.

2 – Developing student's ability to apply ethical concepts to issues of international business.

3 - Developing student's ability to think in a systematic and rationalistic way to make appropriate and effective decisions in companies that are active in more than one country and which are known as international companies .

4 – keep students abreast of recent developments, especially as the Republic of Yemen recently organized to the WTO and this means the opening up of the Republic's economy more to the outside world.

5- Preparing students to use their knowledge that obtained from different scientific and specialized courses and utilize their knowledge in the different stages of preparing scientific research and its application in domestic and international business.

6 - Familiarizing students with the meaning of globalization to managers and the changes that have resulted from the expansion of global business.

7- Providing students with effective communication skills and to apply these skills in multi-cultural environments.

Alignment Program Intended Learning Outcomes

1 -  Knowledge and Understanding

a-1 Identify the effective skills to pursue a successful career in the business world.

a-2 Gain knowledge and capabilities to adapt with the external issues affecting international business activities.
a-3 Learn the requisite skills of working with people of diverse cultural backgrounds in a professional context .

a-4  Familiarize with issues in strategic planning, motivation, leadership and decision-making which arise from managing organizations in an international context

a-5 Possess strong communication and human relation skills and a reflective approach to learning.

a-6 Learn fully capabilities of becoming leaders and contributors to the global society.

2- Intellectual Skills

b-1 Analyze the effects of the global environment on international business activities.

b-2 Ability of decision-making under different situations.

b-3 Ability to use scientific research to support domestic and international business.

b-4  Link between real problems and theoretically based knowledge.

 b-5 Successfully asses the leadership and employee behavior in international business.

b-6 Differentiate between domestic and international strategic management.

b-7 Critically asses International human resources management performance.

b-8 Ability to develop effective domestic and global marketing strategies and plans.

3 - Professional and Practical Skills

c-1 Conduct business domestically and internationally taking into account relevant legal, political, economic, social and cultural differences.

c-2 Conduct the importing and exporting procedures of business globally.

c-3 Conduct business taking into consideration ethics and corporate responsibility in business , both at home and abroad.

c-4 Develop strategies to utilize domestic and foreign government programs, policies, and agencies which facilitate international trade.

c-5 Apply financial knowledge and skills to the operation of an international business.

c-6 Apply leadership skills to respond to the challenges and problems facing business in the 21st century.

c-7 Employ cross-cultural communication competence and negotiation skills to successfully solve problems and capitalize on opportunities in a multicultural environment.

c-8 Employ entrepreneurial strategies to maximize the effectiveness of business initiatives

c-9 Contribute to the effectiveness of an international business strategies.

4 - Transferable Skills

d-1- Internet skills

d-2- Team- work skills.

d-3- Critical thinking skills.

d-4- Communication skills

d-5 Computer skills

d-6 Management skills

Career Opportunities

 The fields of employment for graduates of the Bachelor's program International Business Management include, in particular, of international business management, international human resources management, international finance, international marketing, leadership in a multi-cultural world, global logistics, importing and exporting, hospitality management and other courses covered in the program  will elevate them to this level. Graduates work in a broad range of employment settings in all sectors of business and industry, in both domestic and international locations.

 program plan

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جامعة السعيد

تعز ، الجمهورية اليمنية ،  ص.ب : 4999  

 هاتف : 04271558/60 ، فاكس 04271564 

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