مجلة السعيد المجلد السابع المجلد السابع العدد الاول 2024 غلاف المجلة ومقدمتها عنوان البحث الباحث البحث Hybrid architecture for a scalable Data Center Network Based on Blockchain and SDN Dr. Abdulmalek Alqobaty On Projective Motion in an N- Trirecurrent Finsler Space Wafa'a Hadi Ali Hadi The Impact of Social Media on the Educational Attainment of Engineering Students under Conflict and Siege Conditions at Taiz City, Yemen Abdulkafi H. Al-Zaghruri Factors Predisposing to Oral Candidiasis Infection among Dental Clinic Patients in Taiz City, Yemen Ayman Abdualgabbar Raweh Saeed Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Streptococcus pyogenes Isolated from Aljanad University Students, Taiz City, Yemen Dr. Najeeb Kaid Nasser Al-Shorgani Microbiological and Physiochemical Quality Assessment of commercially produced Biscuits and cake available in Sana'a, Republic of Yemen Raya Qaid Alansi Otomycosis among Patients in Otorhinolaryngology Clinic Taiz City- Yemen Prof. Dr. Abdu Mohammed Al-Kolaibe